FCI Standard
Fédération Cynologique Internationale
The largest international federation of national kennel clubs founded in 1911, based in Thuin, Belgium. The FCI has 77 full members, 11 associates and 10 partners around the world.

FCI-Standard N° 334
ORIGIN: Korea.
UTILIZATION: Hunting dog.
Group 5 Spitz and primitive types.
Section 5 Asian Spitz and related breeds.
Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: There is no written record about the origin of the Korea Jindo Dog, but many authorities agree that this breed has existed for several thousands of years in the Island of Jindo, which is located at the South-West end of the Korean peninsula. About the ancient origin, however, among different theories, the main accepted is, that the Jindo Dog is indigenous to Korea; the breed has been well preserved in this island due to the transportation difficulties in those days. In Korea, Korea Jindo Dogs are called Jindo-kae or Jindo-kyon. Kae or Kyon are Korean words for dog.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Korea Jindo Dog is a wellproportioned medium-sized dog used for hunting and guarding. With erect ears and a rolled or sickle-shaped tail it should be a vivid expression of agility, strength, alertness and dignity.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Ratio between height at withers:
length of body = 10 : 10,5.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: The Korea Jindo Dog has a very strong instinct for hunting and is bold, brave, alert and careful, not tempted easily and impetuous. But most of all he is extremely faithful to his master. On the whole he is not fond of other animals, especially males. He also has a good sense of direction. A one-man dog, he readily accepts a new master, but never forgets his attachment towards the former master who raised him from puppyhood. He keeps himself clean and eats sparingly.
HEAD: In general, the head forms a blunt triangle when viewed from above and does not make the dog appear clumsy or coarse.
CRANIAL REGION: The skull is of medium size in proportion to the body. The top is slightly rounded and tapering down gradually to the eyes. The width between the ears is moderate in proportion to the size of the head.
Stop: Well defined, but not too abrupt. There is a slight furrow extending up towards forehead.
Nose: Black. In case of white dog, flesh colour is permitted.
Muzzle: The muzzle should not be bulky nor turned upward.
Lips: Black, closing tightly, thin and not pendulous; upper lip slightly covers the lower lip.
Teeth: Very strong; scissors bite.
Cheeks: Well developed, dry and moderately round when viewed from side and front; narrowing to the end of the nose.
EYES: Dark brown in colour, rather small in proportion to the size of the head, almond in shape and very lively; the outer corner of both eyes is slanted towards the ears.
EARS: Of medium size, triangular in shape, thick and perfectly erect; ears, set neither high nor low, point slightly forward in line with the back of the neck. Inside of ears, a fine and dense texture of coat is desirable.
NECK: Rather well-balanced and thick without dewlap, well muscled and strong. The Korea Jindo Dog carries his neck proudly and well arched when excited.
Back: Strong and straight.
Loin: Well muscled, taut, lean and narrower than the rib cage.
Chest: Strong and moderately deep, but not too broad. The deepest point of chest reaches just above the elbow, but same level with the elbow is also acceptable. Ribs well sprung. Brisket well developed.
Underline and belly: Drawn up.
TAIL: When let down, the tip of the tail should reach the hock. Root rather set high, stands straight firmly and should not sway when the dog moves. Sickle-shaped or rolled, the end of the tail touching the back or the flank. Should not be too curled. The tail is profusely
General appearance: Forelegs straight and parallel when viewed from front.
Shoulder: Strong and powerful and well laid back.
Elbows: Close to the body, turned neither in nor out.
Pastern: Slightly slanting forward when viewed from side.
Forefeet: Cat feet. Toes rather short, roundish, compact and tight.
Nails strong; black colour is preferred. Pads thick and wellcushioned.
General appearance: When viewed from side, the hindlegs are moderately angulated; when viewed from the rear, hindlegs stand straight, parallel and neither too wide nor too close.
Dewclaws should be removed except in countries where their removal is forbidden by law.
Upper thighs: Well-developed.
Stifle: Moderately angulated.
Hocks: Well let down, not straight, moderately angulated.
Hind feet: Identical with forefeet.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: The gait of Korea Jindo Dog is powerful and steady. The back should remain firm and level. He trots carrying his head high, but when speed increases, the head is carried rather low, almost at the level of the shoulders. The upper part of the tail moves slightly according to the change of direction of the dog.
Hair: The Korea Jindo Dog has a double coat. Undercoat is soft, dense, light in colour, but sufficient to support the outercoat.
Outercoat is stiff and stands somewhat off body. Comparing with the hair of the body, the hair on head, legs and ears is shorter and the hair on the neck, withers, back and rump is longer. The hair on tail and back of thighs is longer than on the rest of the body.
Colour: The colours of the Korea Jindo Dog are
- red fawn,
- white,
- black,
- black and tan,
- wolf grey
- brindle.
Height at withers:
Males: 50-55cm, ideal 53-54 cm.
Bitches: 45-50 cm, ideal 48-49 cm.
Males: 18 – 23 kg.
Bitches: 15 – 19 kg.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered as a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
- Not enough muscled.
- Bones too thick or too fine.
- Level bite.
- Non-erect ears.
- Dropping tail, short tail.
- Overangulation.
- Straight hock, cow hock, barrel hock.
- Long coat or short coat
- Choppy gait, stilted gait.
- Aggressive or overly shy.
- Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural
abnormalities. - Oversize, undersize.
- Undershot, overshot.
- Doggy bitch, bitchy dog.
- More than 3 missing teeth.
- Lack of pigment, albinism.
- Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles
fully descended into the scrotum. - Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed
typical conformation should be used for breeding.